Cities’ Coffers Hit by Pandemic: A Look at Where Municipal Revenue Comes from, and...

Governments at all levels have a tough balancing act – expected to keep residents’ costs low while delivering all the in-demand services that keep communities not just running but structured for a fine quality...

Economic Update: You Decide: What ‘Letter’ Will the Economic Recovery Follow?

There is now little question among economists—and, I expect, most people also— that the economy is in a coronavirus-induced recession. The definition of a recession is actually rather simple. It means the economy takes steps...

Legislative Update: COVID-19 Crisis Highlights Broadband Inadequacies

As the COVID-19 crisis has closed schools and shut down businesses, it has also brought into sharp focus North Carolina’s digital divide—how some areas of the state have strong broadband connections to the home...

Advocacy Update: League Mobilizing for Advocacy Effort on COVID-19

There can be little doubt that the economic effects of the COVID-19 crisis will pose historic challenges to municipal governments across in North Carolina, though their true scope may not be known for months. Restaurants,...

Speaking Out: A Frustrating Time That Will Lead to an Inspired Response

As my term as president of the North Carolina League of Municipalities comes to an end, the uncertain times that we live in remind me of why I sought to become involved in municipal...

On Cybersecurity: Yes, There’s a Cybersecurity Angle to the Pandemic, Too

Sadly, you might have predicted it – disasters and crises always seem to attract the scams. From phishing to data theft to money theft to ransomseeking file-encryption, it’s all in circulation. Bad actors don’t...

People: The Smartest Piece of a ‘Smart City’

Jim Alberque’s recipe for an efficient, forward-thinking town has three ingredients, and they’re all people. Talented people, service-oriented people, curious people. It’s a somewhat surprising list considering Alberque’s role as the Emerging Technology Director for...

City Kids: How Youth and Local Government Are a Perfect Match

Fresh out of college, filled with passions and finding a path, the fellows of the Lead for North Carolina program are not unlike many other recent graduates. Unique, however, may be the level of impact...

Let’s Get Real on Data to Address North Carolina’s Digital Divide

That key portions of North Carolina do not have the kind of internet access that they need in order for people to thrive and local economies to flourish is not news, particularly in those...

Down-to-Earth Leadership: William Pitt Never Forgets the “Why” in Public Service

A leader isn’t a suit and tie. Sure, dress for the occasion. Honor decorum. But be a human first, learn with good faith, build capacity to help, and be real about the consequences, says William...